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Cost Planning

The Cost Plan system consists of reviewing the available documentation and preparing a cost estimate of the total project at each of the following stages of design:


Class D Estimate (Block Schematic or Conceptual Design)

The P.Q.S. will prepare analytical studies of a number of design solutions based on schematic drawings showing the approximate shape and size of the proposed construction and brief outline specifications.

The cost study at this stage will enable a choice to be made of the building size, shape, and possible construction materials and services systems.


Class C Estimate (Schematic Design)

Based on schematic design drawings and outline specifications, AMS will prepare the Schematic Design Estimate which will show the costs of each functional element of the project and their relationship to the whole.

This estimate is the first cost plan and all subsequent cost planning and changes should relate to it.


Class B Estimate (Design Development)

At completion and approval of the Design Development phase, AMS will prepare a detailed elemental estimate which would include design information and outline specifications for all of the major systems and sub-systems. 

Each sub-element cost would be checked against the cost plan to confirm overall compliance with the project budget. 


Class A Estimate (90 % Working Drawings)

At 90 % completion of Working Drawings and Specifications, a final Class A estimate would be prepared for each proposed phase.  This enables an overall review of the project prior to tendering and any final adjustments due to changing conditions taken into account.


In addition to the above, the cost consultant would normally monitor the drawings and specifications for the effect of changes on cost and the cost plan. A.M.S. also does trade estimates, when required.

Quantity Surveyors

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